Monday, March 25, 2019

Enchanted Fairytale Parties - Princess and Character Experiences

My littlest princess just turned four this month. I asked her how she wanted to spend her birthday and she said by being dressed as a princess, riding a unicorn, on a rainbow! Yes- this is four, and I'm soaking up every last minute of this magical, pink and glittery taffeta speck in time. Since booking a unicorn on a rainbow was just out of the realm of possibilities, we figured that we could knock this LAST 4th birthday party out of the park...

Friday, March 15, 2019

Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood - Live - King for a Day

Raising three toddlers has placed me center-stage to the very real, very BIG feelings tiny humans experience. Engaging children in shows and story lines that model different ways to handle these big emotions is why Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood has been a staple in our house. My kids connect with Daniel Tiger and his friends and watch and learn as each episode helps kids to better understand their own feelings and the feelings of their...